NYLA Roundtables: Reflecting Your Interests

Roundtables cover a host of library issues and provide members with a place to share common interests and educate colleagues through conference programs and other gatherings. With generally fewer than 150 members, roundtables offer you a chance for leadership. Each roundtable membership is an additional $10.00. NYLA Members may join as many roundtables as they choose.

Steps for Forming a New Roundtable

Active Roundtables

Inactive Roundtables

  • CORT - Correctional and Outreach Resource Team
  • FILM- Finding Inspiration in Literature & Movies
  • GIRT - Government Information Roundtable
  • ILRT - Information Literacy Roundtable
  • LAR - Library Access Roundtable
  • LGBTQIART - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Ally Roundtable
  • RASL - Rochester Area School Librarians
  • SRRT - Social Responsibilities Roundtable

Want to Re-Activate These Roundtables?

Each year, this 6-month process will begin in July and end in December to align with the NYLA Fiscal Year and NYLA Unit Budget Timeline.

Please see the 6 Month Reactivation Plan below for reference:

6-Month Reactivation Plan
  • Host a Membership Meeting with an Agenda of at least nominating a Treasurer (additional eBoard positions would be a Vice President and Secretary) and ONE event the group would be interested in hosting + brainstorming other future programming
  • Connect C with the newly nominated board + the date/time of the upcoming event
  • Schedule Meeting with new eBoard + send out email to membership to schedule rest of the year meetings (Let C know these dates to put on the calendar)
    • Membership Meetings can be bi-monthly and I recommend meeting with the newly appointed Board monthly
  • By the end of the year - come to C with an updated Roundtable Statement of Purpose / New Logo Design Idea / Incoming Board / Two Prospective Events for Incoming Year
NYLA Will Provide
  • Scheduling Assistance
  • Marketing + Promotional Assistance
  • Technical & Organizational Assistance
  • Website Assistance 

If you want to join the list of NYLA members interested in learning how to reactivate these Roundtables, email C at [email protected] to schedule an interest call. Thank you for your interest!

Interested in adding Roundtables to your existing NYLA membership?

A Unit Join Form is available in each member's profile. You must be a member of NYLA in order to add any sections or roundtables to your account. To add units to your membership, login to your member account and click on Unit Join Form link available in the profile menu under the welcome banner. 

* Please note that the expiration date for any secondary groups that members join will be the fixed membership year (June 1st - May 31st) regardless of when it is added during the year to their member account. Members are encouraged to renew all secondary groups during open renewal in March of each year.