NYLA established several funds that allow donors to contribute to specific initiatives and programs that support the mission of the association and impact the library community. Listed below are a description of the funds and a link to how you can donate. We sincerely appreciate the generosity of all our donors! 


This new general NYLA fund will replace the Advocacy, Scholarship and Fund for the Future donations that previously existed. Now funds in this donation category will be used to help underwrite the costs of NYLA's advocacy efforts, help provide NYLA with long-term financial stability and help provide scholarships to students.

Intellectual Freedom Fund

The purpose of this fund is to advance the cause of intellectual freedom and help NYLA members in their efforts to defend the rights of intellectual freedom. 

 Need funding to defend intellectual freedom rights? Click Here to Request Intellectual Freedom Funds!

Disaster Relief Fund

The purpose of this fund is to provide funding to libraries in New York damaged or destroyed by natural or manmade disasters like flooding, hurricanes, fire, etc. 

 Need funding for library damages?  Click Here to Request Disaster Relief Funds!

 Legal Defense Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide assistance to libraries on legal matters that have statewide implications for the library community. 
 Need funding to assist with legal defense? Click Here to Request Legal Defense Funds!


Donate to a NYLA Fund Today!


Select NYLA units have established funds that allow donors to contribute to scholarships and support the mission of the unit. Listed below are a description of the funds and a link to how you can donate. We sincerely appreciate the generosity of all our donors! 

FLS Randall Enos Conference Scholarship

This fund  financial assistance for one member of the Friends of Libraries Section, who is also a member of a Friends of the Library group at any type of library in NYS, to attend the current year's NYLA Annual Conference.

The purpose of this fund is to encourage library support staff to work towards and earn an undergraduate baccalaureate degree, in any discipline, from an accredited face-to-face or online academic program.

The purpose of this fund is to encourage students of African descent to enter the field of librarianship.

The purpose of this fund is to provide support to an annual award which recognizes a veteran School Librarian who seeks professional benefits through the continuing education opportunities and collegiality provided by attending a SSL Conference in its entirety.

The purpose of this fund is to provide an annual award to honor the memory of Ann Gibson, a dynamic, dedicated librarian, storyteller and teacher, in recognition of her many contributions to the field of youth services librarianship.

Donate to a Unit Fund Today!