
There are as many specialties in librarianship as there are librarians—but NYLA's members have coalesced into nine sections that represent the major aspects of libraries and the people who serve them. 

All members may join a section as part of their basic membership fee and can join additional sections for a small additional surcharge. By promoting the services that libraries provide—and providing a home for the broad specialties of librarianship—sections provide an invaluable service for members.

ASLS - Academic & Special Libraries Section
FLS - Friends of Libraries Section
LAMS - Leadership and Management Section
LTAS Library Trustees Association Section
PLS - Public Libraries Section
SMART - Section on Management of Information Resources & Technology
SSL - Section of School Librarians
YSS - Youth Services Section

Interested in adding a Section to your existing NYLA membership?

A Unit Join Form is available in each member's profile. You must be a member of NYLA in order to add any sections or roundtables. To add units to your membership, login to your member account and click on Unit Join Form link available in the profile menu under the welcome banner. 

* Please note that the expiration date for any secondary groups that members join will be the fixed membership year (June 1st - May 31st) regardless of when it is added during the year to their member account. Members are encouraged to renew all secondary groups during open renewal in March of each year.