Youth Services Section | Our Awards and Scholarships
Empire State Award
The Empire State Award is given annually and was first presented in 1990. It is a one-time award presented to a living author or illustrator currently residing in New York State. The award honors a body of work that represents excellence in children’s or young adult literature and that has made a significant contribution to literature for young people. Youth Services librarians throughout the state submit nominations to an awards committee. The committee makes a decision that is then approved by the YSS Executive Board.
Pied Piper Award
This award recognizes excellence in the creation of an individual program that promotes service to the young people of New York State Libraries and can be replicated at other libraries. Submissions are judged on originality, program implementation, program content, and marketing of said program.
Ann Gibson Scholarship
This award is given annually to honor the memory of Ann Gibson, a dynamic, dedicated librarian, storyteller, and teacher, in recognition of her many contributions to the field of youth services librarianship.
YSS Spring Conference Scholarship
These two scholarships are awarded to encourage continuing education in the field of library youth services by participating in the annual YSS Spring Conference. In addition to having the full registration fee of the conference paid, each recipient will receive a reimbursement for hotel charges, meals, and transportation costs in an amount up to $250.