Section on Management of Information Resources and TechnologyBylawsArticle I. NAMESection 1. The name of this Section shall be the Section on Management of Information Resources and Technology of the New York Library Association. Article II. OBJECTSection 1. The object of this Section shall be to serve professional personnel who are interested in collection management, acquisitions, cataloging, serials control, circulation, conservation/preservation and technology in all types of libraries and information centers within the State of New York, and to represent the interests of the members of the Section on Management of Information Resources and Technology. Article III. RELATIONSHIP TO THE NEW YORK LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONSection 1. This organization is a Section of the New York Library Association. The Bylaws of that Association as far as they govern its Sections, shall take precedence over these Bylaws. Section 2. The Section shall be represented on the Council of the New York Library Association by a Director-at-Large, or an individual appointed by majority vote of the Executive Board for a term of three (3) years. Section 3. The Section shall be represented on the Governance Committee of the New York Library Association by the President of the Section. Section 4.The Section shall be represented on the Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee of the New York Library Association by the Treasurer of the Section, or an individual appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Article IV. MEMBERSHIPSection 1. Any member of the New York Library Association who shall select membership in this Section in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the New York Library Association shall thereupon become a member of this Section. Article V. OFFICERSSection 1. The Officers of this Section shall be President, Vice-President (President-Elect), Immediate Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Officers of the Section shall perform the usual duties of their offices as defined in the NYLA Leadership Manual and shall take office immediately following the annual meeting of the New York Library Association, or if no annual meeting is held, on November 15, whichever comes first. Section 2. The President shall serve a term of one (1) year, and become Immediate Past President upon expiration of the President’s term. Duties include and are not limited to:
Section 3. The Immediate Past President shall serve a term of one (1) year. Duties include and are not limited to:
Section 4. The Vice-President (President-Elect) shall serve a term of one (1) year, and become the President upon the expiration of the President’s term. Duties include and are not limited to:
Section 5. The Secretary shall serve a term of two (2) years. Duties include and are not limited to:
Section 6. The Treasurer shall serve a term of two (2) years. Duties include and are not limited to:
Article VI. EXECUTIVE BOARDSection 1. The Section shall be governed by an Executive Board and shall have the authority to conduct the business of the Section. Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Section as identified in Article VI, Section 1, and three (3) Directors-at-Large. Section 3. Each Director-At-Large shall serve a term of three (3) years. Duties include and are not limited to:
Section 4. Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President at such times and places as the President may designate and shall also be called upon request of four members of the Executive Board. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. The Executive Board may adopt rules for the transaction of business provided such rules do not conflict with the Bylaws of the Section on Management of Information Resources and Technology and with the Bylaws of the New York Library Association. Article VII. COMMITTEESSection 1. The Executive Board may charge committees to perform various functions on behalf of the Section in either of two (2) available types: Standing Committees and Special Committees. Each Standing Committee and Special Committee, and every member thereof, shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Board. All Committees shall keep minutes of all proceedings, to be regularly submitted to the Secretary for subsequent distribution to the entire Executive Board, and report to the Executive Board all activities and determinations. Section 2. A Standing Committee may be designated by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall annually review each Standing Committee, and determine whether the Committee shall continue with its charge. Section 3. A Special Committee, to be dissolved after completing its charge, may be designated by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board. Section 4. The Chairperson of each Committee shall be appointed by the president for a term of one (1) year. Section 5. Committee vacancies that occur between meetings of the Executive Board may be filled by Presidential appointment, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Article VIII. MEETINGSSection 1. At least one general membership meeting shall be held as part of each annual meeting of the New York Library Association. Such meetings may be closed to non-members of the Section, by vote of the Executive Board. Those members present and voting shall constitute a quorum at the general membership meeting. Section 2. If an annual conference of the New York Library Association is not called, all Section business ordinarily voted upon at that time shall be submitted to the membership for a referendum vote. Article IX. NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONSSection 1. Each year there shall be elected a Vice-President who shall serve one year as Vice-President (President-Elect), the following year as President, and the third year as Immediate Past President. The three Directors-at-Large shall be elected for overlapping terms of three years each. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in alternating years for two-year terms. Section 2. The Nominating Committee, consisting of the Immediate Past President as Chair and other members approved by the Executive Board, shall prepare a ballot consisting of a slate of candidates to fill the open positions. An open call for candidates will be issued, sufficiently in advance of the election, during which Section members may nominate other section members or themselves for open positions. Section 3. Not less than six weeks prior to the annual meeting, or prior to November 15, whichever shall occur first, the ballot shall be made available to members of the Section. The actual election will be conducted according to New York Library Association's current official practice. Section 4. Not less than two weeks prior to the annual meeting or prior to November 15, whichever shall occur first, the ballot must be submitted. Election of Officers and Directors-at-Large shall be by plurality vote. Section 5. The members of the Section shall be notified of the results of the election by the annual general membership meeting, or if no meeting is held, by publication in the official communications of the New York Library Association. Section 6. Vacancies in any elected office occurring between elections shall be filled by Executive Board appointment until the next annual election, at which time a vote will be taken to fill the balance of the unexpired term. Article X. FINANCIAL MATTERSSection 1. No officer, committee or member of the Section shall incur any expense in its name unless authorized by the President and Treasurer, nor shall the Treasurer approve for payment except for expenditures so authorized and on vouchers approved in writing by the President. Section 2. No officer of the Section shall receive compensation for their service. However, with prior approval of the Executive Board, they may be reimbursed for actual, reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Section 3. The Section shall provide written annual reports to the Association office on their activities, for each fiscal year, by August 1. Section 4. The Section shall provide written budgets to the Association for the upcoming fiscal year, by February 1. Article XI. AMENDMENTSSection 1. These articles may be amended, after approval by a majority of the Executive Board, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general membership meeting, or in the absence of a general membership meeting, by a two-thirds vote of those members by electronic ballot. Membership shall have at least 30 days to review and publicly comment on any proposed amendments to the by-laws. Article XII. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYSection 1. The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority of this Section in all matters not covered by the by-laws of the New York Library Association and of the by-laws of the Section. Adopted October 12, 1960Amended November 20, 1968 Amended November 9, 1972 Amended November 18, 1977 Amended November 5, 1981 Amended November 22, 1991 Amended October 29, 1999 Amended November 4, 2010 Amended November 6, 2024 |