NYLA Legislative Committee


The Legislative Committee serves to represent each of NYLA's constituent groups for the research, monitoring, and support or opposition to state legislative and funding issues that impact New York's library community.


The chair is appointed by the NYLA President-Elect for a one-year term, with start and end dates coinciding with the Annual Conference.  Each year, the NYLA President-Elect also appoints two at-large members who serve for a three-year term, with start and end dates coinciding with the Annual Conference, for a total of six at-large members.  Each Section shall appoint a representative to serve on the committee for a renewable one-year term, with start and end dates coinciding with the Annual Conference.

Each of NYLA’s affiliate organizations may appoint an ex-officio representative to the committee (PULISDO, NY3Rs, SLSA, Central Library Directors, NYSL-DLD, LTA).  The NYS Coordinator for ALA National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) holds an ex-officio seat on the committee.  Each of the ‘big three’ NYC library systems are invited to send an ex-officio representative.

2024 Legislative Committee Roster

Adam Traub, Chairperson
Lisa Kropp, President
AnnaLee Dragon, Staff
Max Prime, Staff
Michele Bonan, Ex-Officio
Luisa Benedetto, Ex-Officio
Lauren Comito, Ex-Officio
Lauren Moore, Ex-Officio
George Mihaltses, Ex-Officio
Jamia Williams, ASLS Rep
Jean Sheviak, FLS Rep
Amanda Perrine, LAMS Rep
Vacant, LTAS Rep
Chloe Whittaker, PLS Rep
Rosemarie Gatzek, SMART Rep
Jill Leinung, SSL Rep
Mary Fellows, YSS Rep
Brian Mayer, SLSA Rep
Meg Backus, ESLN Rep
Kevin Verbesey, PULISDO Rep
John Spears, Central Library Director
Rebekkah Smith-Aldrich, At-Large Member
Jen Park, At-Large Member
Laura Schiefer, At-Large Member
Ron Kirsop, At-Large Member
Sheryl Knab, At-Large Member

Important Advocacy Information

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