2024 Legislative Session

Check back regularly for updates to bill numbers, bill sponsors and supporting documentation.
(Updated 8/28/2024)

Looking Back on 2024

Fund - Protect - Empower

As of Saturday, June 8, 2024, New York State's 2024 Legislative Session has adjourned!

Thanks to your advocacy, this year New York's libraries secured wins both in the FY 2025 budget and post-budget legislative push.

In the budget, libraries won a $4.252M increase in State Library Aid, a $10M increase in Library Construction Aid, and a new $3M allocation for the continuation of NOVELny. While not equal to our full budget asks, we are grateful to the legislature and Governor Hochul for increasing New York's investment in its libraries. 

Beyond increased financial support, our libraries scored victories in the legislature with sorely-needed reform in Education Law (§) 273-A governing the disbursement and use of funds allocated under the State Aid for Library Construction program (S.7093-A/A.9076-A). We also saw the passage of three bills expanding eligibility for DASNY assistance to individual libraries along with two bills that partially serve NYLA civil service priorities.

This session, NYLA urged lawmakers to fund New York's libraries, protect them from threats to their ability to effectively serve all members of their communities, and empower them through legislation that enables the effective use of existing resources and the innovation of new ways to serve their patrons.

While not all goals were realized this session, together we laid a solid foundation for advancement of key priorities once the legislature returns in January following the 2024 elections in November!

In addition to advocating for Governor Hochul to swiftly sign S.7093-A,NYLA's Legislative Committee and staff have already begun the process of setting budget targets for FY 2026 and other legislative priorities for the 2025 session. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions as that effort continues, please do not hesitate to contact NYLA or your representatives on the Legislative Committee to ensure your perspective is heard.

Your advocacy efforts were essential in earning budget and policy wins for libraries in 2024. Thank you for your work and together we can use the foundation laid this year to make 2025 a banner year for New York libraries!

The Legislature

Senate Library Committee

Assembly Libraries Committee

New York State Senate Directory

New York State Assembly Directory

Senate X Directory

Assembly X Directory

New York State Senate Website

New York State Assembly Websit

Policy Initiatives

2024 Policy Initiatives One-Pager

Protection of Patron Access to Library Materials and Services

Libraries across our state face rapidly expanding efforts to censor materials and programming they deem objectionable based on subjective personal sensibilities and partisan ideologies. We require legislation that empowers library professionals to exercise their expertise and ensure public access to materials, services, and programs that represent their interests.

Freedom to Read Act

S.6350-B (May) / A.6873-B (O'Donnell) - NYLA Memo of Support
Status: Passed Senate (6/4), Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

If enacted, this bill would require the commissioner of education to develop policies to ensure that school libraries and library staff are empowered to curate and develop collections that provide students with access to the widest array of developmentally appropriate materials available.

Protection in Public Libraries

S.7677-A (May) / A.7843-B (Kelles) - NYLA Memo of Support
Status: Referred to Senate Libraries Committee, Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Libraries and Education Technology

Multiple pieces of legislation intended to curb threats to patron access to materials and services in the public library setting have been introduced in the State Assembly and Senate. NYLA has helped craft the above legislation that would include in the state's Standards of Library Service a requirement that libraries adopt policies and procedures that ensure library materials, services, and programming shall not be proscribed or removed due to partisan or doctrinal disapproval. Conversations on this issue are ongoing and responsive to new information from ongoing efforts around the country.

Elimination of Library Construction Cap

S.7093-A (Chu) / A.9076-A (Santabarbara)NYLA Support Memo
Status: Signed by Gov. Hochul 8/28

Libraries serving economically distressed communities may be eligible for Library Construction Aid awards beyond 75.00%.  However, the law currently only allows public library systems to award 50% of their total allocation to such projects. 

This proposal would expand on previous efforts to eliminate the 50% cap by no only accomplishing that goal, but also consolidating the economically disadvantaged and economically distressed designations into one, easier to apply for category eligible for up to 90% state aid and removing sunset provisions from the legal authorization for aid exceeding 50% of total approved project costs.

eBooks Terms Legislation

S.6868-A (Chu) / A.10544 (Santabarbara) - NYLA Memo of Support
Status: Passed Senate (6/4), Brought to Assembly Floor but Laid Aside (6/7)

This bill would allow library access to electronic books and digital audiobooks, providing requirements for contracts between libraries and publishers for access to electronic library material.

Book Fair Tax Exemption

S.5955-A (Chu) / A.5538-B (Rivera) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Passed Senate (3/28), Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Ways & Means

This bill would make books, magazines, pamphlets and other items sold at both school sponsored book fairs & events hosted by friends of libraries groups exempt from sales tax.

Association Library Retirement Opt-In Option

S.4245 (Palumbo) / A.4885 (Thiele) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to
Senate Civil Service & Pensions Committee, Referred to Assembly Committee on Governmental Employees

This bill would allow association libraries that meet certain criteria the ability to join the New York State Retirement System upon approval of their board.

Access to Publicly Funded Research

S.6562 (Chu) / A.9139 (Santabarbara)
Status: Reported to Senate Finance Committee from Senate Investigations & Government Operations Committee (5/6), Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Governmental Operations

This bill would ensure original research that is the result of state funding would be available, free of charge, to the public.   

Check Out New York 

S.5956-A (Chu) / A.4112-A (Jensen) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to Senate Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks And Recreation Committee Committee, Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Tourism, Parks, Arts And Sports Development

This bill would provide one-pass per public library to every state park, historic site, and recreational facility operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Media Literacy in New York State

Media Literacy Professional Development

A.32 (Rosenthal) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

This bill would require teachers and certified school librarians to receive professional development related to media literacy.

The tiered training, 5 hours for teachers and 15 hours for librarians, would be deducted from the required 100 hours required by education law.  

Library Media Specialist Requirement

A.40 (Rosenthal) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

If enacted this bill would require, based on student population and other specified criteria, that school have access to a library media specialist. 

Media Literacy Advisory Group

A.35 (Rosenthal) NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

If enacted, this bill would direct the Commissioner of Education to appoint a Media Literacy Advisory Committee to study the teaching of media literacy across New York State.

The assembled group would include staff from school library systems, school libraries and individuals from high education institutions that offer information studies programs. 

 Media Literacy Standards 

A.1695 (Rosenthal) - NYLA Support Memo
Status: Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

If enacted, this legislation would direct the State Education Department to develop a set of media literacy standards and ensure media literacy education is being provided to students across New York State.

Such standards will ensure that all students, grades K-12, are receiving broad media literacy education that is inclusive of the use of technology and social media, responsible online behavior, proper use of online resources for research, curating a positive digital footprint, internet safety, civility and more.

School Library Facility Modernization

S.6744 (Chu) / A.3174 (Jensen)
Status: Referred to Senate Libraries Committee, Referred to Assembly Standing Committee on Education

The current regulation that defines a school library facility has not been updated in over twenty years. 

This proposal would address the antiquated metrics within NY-CRR 91.1 and insert characteristics associated with a successful, 21st century school library.

Additional Library Legislation

DASNY Eligibility

If enacted, these bills would include individual libraries with those eligible for assistance through the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY). All three bills were signed by Governor Hochul on 8/28.

Parma Public Library - S.7670 (Ortt) / A.8042 (Jensen)

Ogden Farmer's Library - S.7669-A (Ortt) / A.8043-A (Jensen) 

Mattituck-Laurel Library - S.8448 (Palumbo) / A.9154 (Thiele)

In the Works

Modernization of Civil Service

Working with the Civil Service Committee, legislative partners and allies at external organizations, we are seeking amendments to processes and protocols within Civil Service for the field of librarianship. This year saw the passage of two pieces of legislation that address portions of the overall civil service-related issues identified by NYLA members. Both bills now await delivery to Governor Hochul.

S.8551 (Jackson) / A.9349 (Pheffer-Amato)
Relates to updating civil service examinations at intervals no greater than 5 years.

S.8557 (Jackson) / A.9386 (Pheffer-Amato)
Relates to crediting of provisional time for promotional examinations

Civil Service Reform Coalition Letter

NYLA Testimony at the New York State Senate Civil Service and Pensions Committee Public Hearing - 10/11/2023 

There are nearly a dozen other initiatives currently in the research or draft phase. Check back throughout the year to learn more.

The State Budget

Enacted Budget

The Assembly and Senate completed passing, and Governor Hochul signed, the final amended versions of the ten FY 2025 Budget Bills on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

  • Library Aid: $103.852
    • +$1.725M increase from Executive
    • +$4.252M increase from FY 2024
  • Library Construction: $44M
    • +$10M increase from Executive
    • +$10M increase from FY 2024
  • Library Materials Aid: $6.25/pupil
    • Flat to Executive
  • NOVELny: $3M
    • New allocation for FY 2025
  • Grants-in-Aid Resolutions

Assembly One House

The Assembly released their budget proposal on March 12, 2024. It included:

  • Library Aid: $104.6M
    • +$2.5M increase from Executive
  • Library Construction: $68M
    • +$34M increase from Executive
  • Library Materials Aid:
    • Increase LMA factor to $11/pupil in State Ed. Law
  • NOVELny: $3M

Senate One House

The Senate released their budget proposal on March 11, 2024. It includes:

  • Library Aid: $104.6M
    • +$2.5M increase from Executive
  • Library Construction: $54M
    • +$20M increase from Executive
  • Library Materials Aid:
    • Increase LMA factor to $11.00/pupil in State Ed. Law and tie future increases to the Consumer Price Index
  • NOVELny: $3M


Executive Budget

The Executive Budget was released by Governor Kathy Hochul on January 16, 2024. It includes:

  • Library Aid $102.127M
    • +$2.5M increase from FY2024 Enacted Budget
  • Library Construction $34M
    • Flat to FY2024 Enacted Budget
  • Library Materials Aid: $6.25/pupil
    • Flat to FY2024 Enacted Budget
  • NOVELny: $3M
    • New allocation for FY2025

FY2025 NYS Executive Budget Briefing Book

Aid to Localities Budget Bill

Capital Projects Budget Bill

2024 - 2025 School Aid Runs

Senate Sign-On Letter

Funding Initiatives

2024 Budget and Policy Initiatives Handout

NYS Library Operating Aid: $147.1M 

Increased aid is needed to support the foundational framework of New York State libraries, improving the lives of residents of all ages, abilities and economic status.

Adequate funding is needed to support school, public, and academic libraries and library systems.

Library Aid One Pager

History of Library Aid Chart

Impact of Underfunding

NYS Library Construction Aid: $69.4M

Increased investment is needed to maintain and develop the physical infrastructure of New York State’s libraries, in order to ensure a safe, accessible and sustainable environment for the future.

The New York State Library estimates the deferred maintenance need at over $1.5B.

Over half of New York’s libraries are over 60 years old.
Investments allow libraries to invest in energy-efficiency and support the local construction industry

Construction Aid One Pager

History of Construction Aid Chart

NYLA Testimony at the Assembly Standing Committee on Libraries and Education Technology's Public Hearing on Construction Aid - 10/25/2023

 Increase Rate for Library Materials Aid: $11.00/pupil

The per pupil rate of $6.25 has remained stagnant since 2007. We are seeking an increase to the rate to reflect general inflation and the rising costs of materials in school libraries.

LMA One Pager 

Secure Funding for NOVELny: $3M

NYLA supports the New York Board of Regents' proposed FY2025 budget priority for $3 million to continue NOVELny beyond its scheduled funding-related termination on June 30, 2024, and for consistent future funding. 

Doing so would ensure equity of access to essential database resources for all New Yorkers, from students in K-12 classrooms to life-long learners in the public setting. 

Other Funding:

Grants in Aid 

Historic Priorities